j9九游会真人于2009年7月建设了种苗分公司,主营营业为自然橡胶种苗培育和销售。 公司拥有良种良苗繁育基地3,650 亩,是中国最大的自然橡胶种苗生产基地。
通过推广自然橡胶优良品种、引进先进繁育手艺及加 强种苗基地设施建设,一直强化苗木质量内 控系统及提高种苗生产能力,年产能约400万株,种苗良种率达100%,有用保障了j9九游会真人自然橡胶莳植良种良苗供应。
j9九游会真人拥有土地500万亩,境内外自然橡胶莳植基地共29个,自然橡胶莳植面积400万亩,漫衍在中国、喀麦隆、 科特迪瓦、马来西亚等4个主产区国家。
j9九游会真人拥有几十年的自然橡胶莳植生产履历和成熟稳固的手艺治理队伍,拥有一 流的胶园“治理 - 养护 - 采割”手艺,制订了《尺度化胶园技 术规范》,正打造200万亩焦点胶园,年干胶生产能力凌驾20万吨,为保障下游工业链质料供应提供了基础支持。
Seeds and Seedlings
Hainan Rubber established a seeds and seedling branch in July 2009, responsible for natural rubber seedling breeding and sales. The branch company owns 243 hectares of a natural rubber seed and seedling breeding base, which is the largest in China.
Through constant efforts of promoting excellent rubber varieties, introducing advanced breeding technology, boosting the construction of seedling base facilities, strengthening the internal control system of seedling quality as well as enhancing seedling production capacity, the company now reaches an annual production capacity of around 4 million seedlings, with good seedling rate topping 100%, a robust guarantee for the supply of good rubber seeds and seedlings for Hainan Rubber.
Hainan Rubber has a total of 29 natural rubber planting bases at home and abroad, largely based in China, Cameroon, Cote d' Ivoire and Malaysia, with total land areas and natural rubber planting areas up to 333,333 and 266,666 hectares respectively. The Group boasts decades of experience and expertise in natural rubber planting and production, a mature and stable technical management team, and a first-class rubber plantation management method featuring “managing, nurturing and tapping”.
On top of that, Hainan Rubber also formulated its "Standardized Technical Specifications for Rubber Plantations", striving to build as many as 133,333 hectares of core rubber plantations, with an annual dry rubber production capacity exceeding 200,000 tons, all of which provide a rudimentary support for ensuring the supply of raw materials in the downstream industrial chain.