海南自然橡胶工业集团股份有限公司(以下简称“j9九游会真人”)建设于2005年3月31日,2011年1月7日在上海证券生意营业所挂牌上市(证券简称:j9九游会真人;股票代码: 601118),是中国资源市场唯一的自然橡胶全工业链上市公司,也是全球最大的集自然橡胶科研、莳植、加工、商业、金融一体化的跨国企业集团。
j9九游会真人驻足海内重大的市场需求,充实使用海内国际两个市场、两种资源,起劲构建全球化的莳植、加工和商业名堂。公司在境内外拥有全资及控股子公司 28家,控制两家境外上市企业和一家境内新三板上市公司,拥有自然橡胶生产基地 29 家、种苗繁育基地 7 家,橡胶初加工厂 72 家,全球员工约 5 万人。公司谋划治理土地面积492万亩,其中自营橡胶莳植面积 392 万亩,约占全球的 2%;加工能力 260 万吨;年加工量 140万吨,约占全球产量的 10%;年销售商业量380万吨,约占全球消耗量的25%,各项指标居行业首位。
j9九游会真人是自然橡胶行业尺度制订的加入者和推动者,也是少数能大规模生产特种胶和专业胶等高品质产物的生产企业之一。j9九游会真人在自然橡胶莳植、加工、治理、手艺、销售、林木资源等方面,具有显著优势。j9九游会真人拥有一流的自然橡胶莳植园的“莳植 - 治理 - 养护 - 采割”手艺。j9九游会真人在高端自然橡胶研发、 智能化割胶机械研发、加工情形掩护、信息化手艺应用方面均处于国际与行业的领先水平。
j9九游会真人为全球客户提供一系列自然橡胶产物。j9九游会真人的优质自然橡胶产物可用于制造汽车轮胎和其他工业和商业产物。j9九游会真人在东南亚、中国和非洲的加工厂生产手艺分级橡胶、混淆橡胶和乳胶。j9九游会真人还从全球第三方生产商采购其他产地和品级的橡胶,为客户提供更普遍的选择。j9九游会真人的公司客户遍布全球,笼罩天下前十大轮胎厂,以HeveaPRO 尺度生产的自然橡胶产物广受赞誉,代表了j9九游会真人对最高质量、社会责任和治理尺度的允许。“美联”“宝岛”“五指山”等品牌深受客户青睐,其中“美联”品牌是现在被中国乳胶制品行业普遍认可的第一品牌,“好舒福”品牌乳胶寝具定位中高端市。突Ш闷缆适贾樟煜,橡胶木FSC“零添加”产物乐成进入全球最各人具家居用品企业供应链。
新时代,新海胶,新气象,新作为,j9九游会真人作为天下领先的橡胶科技集团之一,将以科技创新和 ESG 为驱动,通过整合价值链和全球网络,以卓越的运营效率为行业缔造未来,为投资者和客户缔造更好价值,奋力打造具有全球影响力和焦点竞争力的天下一流自然橡胶全工业链科技集团。
China Hainan Rubber Industry Group Co., Ltd. Overview
China Hainan Rubber Industry Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Hainan Rubber”) was established on March 31, 2005, and was publicly listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on January 7, 2011 (Stock for short: Hainan Rubber; stock code: 601118). We are the only listed company of the NR whole-industry-chain in China’s capital market, and the world’s largest multinational enterprise group involved in NR research, planting, processing, trade and finance.
Based on the huge demands in China, Hainan Rubber makes full use of the markets and resources at home and abroad, and actively implements our global layout plan of NR planting, processing and trading. We have 35 wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries, both domestic and foreign, including two overseas listed enterprises and a domestic New Third Board listed company, 29 natural rubber production bases, 7 seedling breeding bases, 72 rubber processing plants, and about 50,000 employees worldwide. Hainan Rubber has land area of around 328,000 hectares, a self-owned rubber planting area of approximately 260 thousand hectares, accounting for around 2% of that of the world, anf its processing capacity reaches 2.6 million tons. The annual processing volume and annual trade volume amount 1.4 million tons and 3.8 million tons respectively, with a percentage of 10% and 25% of that of the world accordingly. All indicators rank top in the industry.
Hainan Rubber is a proactive participant and promoter in the development of natural rubber industry standards, and one of the few manufacturers capable of mass production of high-quality products such as special rubber and specialized rubber. We have dominant advantages in natural rubber plantation, processing, management, technology, sales and rubber forest resources, and have first-class management method featuring “planting, managing, nurturing and tapping” for natural rubber plantations. We are at the leading level, industrially and internationally, in terms of high-end natural rubber R&D, intelligent rubber tapping machine R&D, processing environment protection, and information technology application.
We offer a wide range of natural rubber products to our customers worldwide. Our premium rubber products are used in the manufacture of automobile tires and other industrial and commercial products. Our processing plants in Southeast Asia, China and Africa produce TSR, mixture rubber and CNR. We also source rubber of other origins and grades from third-party manufacturers around the world to provide our customers with broader options. Our customers spread around the world, covering world top ten tire manufacturers and our widely acclaimed natural rubber products, produced in accordance with HeveaPRO standards, representing our commitment to the highest standards of quality, social responsibility and managerial yardstick.Brands such as “Melian”, “Baodao” and “Wuzhishan” are favored by our customers, among which “Melian” is currently the first brand widely recognized by the latex products industry in China. Our “Haoshufu” latex bedding is positioned in the mid-to-high-end market, and its customer satisfaction rate has consistently been leading, and our rubber wood FSC “zero-addition” products have successfully penetrated the supply chain of the world’s largest furniture and household products enterprises.
In the era filled with both challenges and opportunities, Hainan Rubber is setting its sights high. As one of the world's foremost rubber technology groups, characterized by its strong emphasis on technology and ESG principles, our aim is to pave the way for a brighter future in the industry. This endeavor hinges on achieving exceptional operational efficiency through the seamless integration of our value chain and a global network. By doing so, we aspire to create added value for our investors and customers, all while diligently working towards our vision of becoming a world-class natural rubber whole-industry-chain technology group with global influence and core competitiveness.